Asv Mavlink Help

Devices info

This command shows info about the mavlink device and all other mavlink devices that are connected to it.

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe devices-info -cs "tcp://"

You may also use some parameters in the command to customise the output

Usage: devices-info [options...] [-h|--help] [--version] Command that shows info about devices in the mavlink network Options: -cs|--connection-string <string> The address of the connection to the mavlink device (Required) -i|--iterations <uint?> States how many iterations should the program work through (Default: null) -dt|--devices-timeout <uint> (in seconds) States the lifetime of a mavlink device that shows no Heartbeat (Default: 10) -r|--refresh-rate <uint> (in ms) States how fast should the console be refreshed (Default: 3000)

Full possible command with all the parameters

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe devices-info -cs "tcp://" -i 400 -dt 20 -r 1000
Last modified: 25 December 2024