Asv Mavlink Help

Generate fake diagnostic data

This command generates fake diagnostic with customizable frequency.

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe generate-diagnostics

The program generates a default configuration file by default, but you can provide a custom configuration. Simply pass the path to your configuration file as a command-line parameter.

Note: config is a json file.

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe generate-diagnostics -cfg "path/to/your/cfg.json"

All the possible parameters for the command:

Usage: generate-diagnostics [options...] [-h|--help] [--version] Command creates fake diagnostics data from file and opens a mavlink connection. Options: -cfg|--cfg-path <string?> location of the config file for the generator (Default: null) -r|--refresh-rate <uint> (in ms) States how fast should the console be refreshed (Default: 2000)

Full command with all the parameters

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe generate-diagnostics -cfg "path/to/your/cfg.json" -r 3000

Test diagnostic data

This command creates Diagnostic client and prints all diagnostics that the client retrieves.

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe test-diagnostics -cs tcp:// -tsid 1 -tcid 241 -r 3000

All the possible parameters for the command:

Command creates diagnostic client that retrieves diagnostic data. Options: -cs|--connection-string <string> The address of the connection to the mavlink diagnostic server (Required) -tsid|--target-system-id <byte> Server's system id (Required) -tcid|--target-component-id <byte> Server's component id (Required) -r|--refresh-rate <uint> (in ms) States how fast should the console be refreshed (Default: 1000)
Last modified: 25 December 2024