Asv Mavlink Help

Print Vehicle State

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe print-vehicle-state --connection tcp://

This command starts the console implementation of UAV controls and Telemetry


The Print Vehicle State command provides control over the UAV and displays telemetry data, including:

  • Link - current state of the link between the UAV and the router;

  • Home Position - the starting point for the UAV, which is also the target for the RTL (Return to Launch) command;

  • Global Position - current UAV location with altitudes MSL (Mean Sea Level) and AGL (Above Ground Level);

  • Current Azimuth - the current azimuth of the UAV;

  • Mavlink Version - the version of the protocol operating the process;

  • Base Mode - list of base modes supported by the current vehicle;

  • AutoPilot - the current type of autopilot in use;

  • System Status - the current status of the system;

  • Type - representation of the device type according to MAV_TYPE;

The "Log" table displays a list of recent commands executed in the CLI.

Last modified: 27 January 2025