Asv Mavlink Help


This command is used to connect a vehicle with multiple ground stations, creating a hub that routes MAVLink messages between them. It provides flexible filtering options to log specific MAVLink messages, and can output the filtered data to a file. It supports multiple connections (UDP or serial) and can operate in silent mode (without printing to the console).


  • Connects to multiple MAVLink streams, allowing you to route messages between different systems (e.g., vehicle and multiple ground stations).

  • Supports filtering by system ID, message ID, message name (using regex), and message content (JSON text).

  • Can log filtered MAVLink messages to a file.

  • Allows disabling console output for silent operation.

  • Automatically propagates MAVLink messages between the connected links.

Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe proxy -l tcp:// -l tcp:// -o out.txt

You may also use some parameters in the command.

Usage: proxy [options...] [-h|--help] [--version] Used for connecting vehicle and several ground station Example: proxy -l udp:// -l udp:// -o out.txt Options: -l|--links <string[]> Add connection to hub. Can be used multiple times. Example: udp:// or serial://COM5?br=57600 (Required) -o|--output-file <string> Write filtered message to file (Default: null) -silent|--silent Disable print filtered message to screen (Optional) -sys|--sys-ids <int[]> Filter for logging: system id field (Example: -sys 1 -sys 255) (Default: null) -id|--msg-ids <int[]> Filter for logging: message id field (Example: -id 1 -mid 255) (Default: null) -name|--name-pattern <string> Filter for logging: regex message name filter (Example: -name MAV_CMD_D) (Default: null) -txt|--text-pattern <string> Filter for logging: regex json text filter (Example: -txt MAV_CMD_D) (Default: null) -from|--directions <int[]> Filter for packet direction: select only input packets from the specified direction (Default: null)
Last modified: 25 December 2024